Is Bactosure reliable?

Bactosure uses the same testing media and protocols for testing the Presence and Absence of E. coli that has been approved in almost every country around the world including the USA, EU, Australia, and New Zealand. Bactosure follows Standard Method 9223 – Enzyme Substrate Coliform Test.

Can Bactosure fully replace laboratory testing?

Some countries’ laws require drinking water suppliers to use accredited laboratories for testing drinking water. While Bactosure uses the same testing media used in laboratories, we recommend checking with the authorities in your state or country to ensure that Bactosure meets your needs.

Do I need to send the testing device to Bactosure for servicing?

Your Bactosure app will tell you if your device needs servicing. If your mobile is connected to the internet, Bactosure will send you a replacement testing unit automatically if we detect a problem.

Every six months, you will need to reset the temperature sensor. You can do this yourself by following the steps on the Bactosure App. You’ll need to fill the main chamber with crushed ice and water. The Bactosure App will do the rest!

We can reset the temperature sensor for you for a small charge plus shipping but we recommend that you do it yourself since it’s so easy to do.

Can Bactosure tell me how much E. coli is in my drinking water?

The procedure for counting E. coli using Bactosure has not yet been approved by regulatory agencies. This lengthy process is expected to be completed in the next 2 years. If Bactosure returns a positive result for E. coli, we recommend that you perform an enumeration test through an accredited laboratory. In New Zealand, we offer a discounted laboratory testing service if your water sample tests positive for E. coli with Bactosure.

Is training available?

Our App will step you through the process of collecting a water sample and testing. A short training video also is available online.

Why will only 12 months of testing products be sent to me?

Bactosure uses sterile containers and testing media that have a relatively short shelf life. Providing only 12 months of test kits means that you can be assured the tests are valid.

Will my test kits automatically be sent to me at the end of 12 months?

Unless you tell us to cancel the service, we will attempt to take a subscription payment from your stored credit card just before the end of the 12-month period. If the payment is successful, a package of test kits will be automatically shipped to you.

Can I keep the testing device at the end of my subscription service?

The Bactosure device can only be used with a Bactosure subscription to provide assurance of the test results. The Bactosure device remains Bactosure’s property at all times. You need to return the testing device to us within 14 days of your subscription ending so that it can be refurbished and used by other communities. A charge of $499 USD is payable if the device is not returned.

Do I need a mobile phone to use Bactosure?

Yes. You need a mobile phone to use Bactosure so that the test results meet international best practices. You DO NOT NEED an active mobile service.

Why does Bactosure need my location services turned on my mobile phone?

Bactosure uses location information when you’re collecting your sample to ensure that samples can be tracked throughout the testing process. Location services are only ever used while the app is in use. Your location data is stored on sample containers, in the mobile app, and on our server (if you consent). This location data helps you identify exactly where a positive sample was collected and helps you to monitor trends over time.